Jamieson & District Historical Society Inc.

Volunteering at J&DHS
If you have an interest in history, the upper Goulburn Region, gold mining, pioneering or you would simply like to help at our museum, perhaps you would consider becoming a volunteer member at J&DHS.
To do this you simply need to become a member and pay your annual $15 membership fee, which includes the cost of the Personal and Public Liability for volunteers within the Museum area.
The museum is manned by volunteers so if you are happy to give up a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday once a month from November to May, then we'd love to hear from you! You will be given training and the first few times will have someone else to help you along.
Volunteering at the museum can be a very rewarding experience as you will meet people with passion and enthusiasm for the history of our area, and very often we learn from our well informed visitors. Apart from that, you will have fun!
So please, drop us an email at jamiesonmuseum@gmail.com, or phone Marion on 0400 462 127, Karen on 0452 071 618, or leave a message at the office on 0484 900 691.