Jamieson & District Historical Society Inc.

About J&DHS Inc.
The Jamieson & District Historical Society Inc. (J&DHS) formed in 1991 and have their headquarters and museum in the Old Jamieson Courthouse.
J&DHS aim to preserve the history of Jamieson and the Upper Goulburn Region, covering the area from Howqua through to Matlock and beyond.
The society has come a long way in the many years it has been operating. Back in the late 80's and early 90's, a group or determined and hardworking volunteers worked from the then secretary's lounge room with little more than a list of names from the headstones at the cemetery! It's hard to believe how this society has grown into what it is today. And we owe thanks to those who put in all of that hard work way back when. THANK YOU!
J&DHS committee and members meet every third Tuesday of the month, from 5pm at the Jamieson Memorial Hall on Perkins Street. Our A.G.M. is held annually where all committee positions are put to a vote. You don't need to be a member to join our meetings, so if you have an interest in the regions history, please come along and join in the fun!
Our Current Committee

Alison Mackenzie

Vice President
Marion McRostie

Janet Druce

Russell Bate