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The Gold Nugget Throw, Cow Poo Lotto and The Hale Bale Race have become the mainstays of the Jamieson Autumn Festival.  Other competitions, such as The Chocolate Trailer, provide hours of fun for all the family.


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Gold Nugget Throw


Cow Poo Lotto


Hay Bale Race

Prospecting for gold was the reason Jamieson came into being!  It is a big part of the history of this little town with Jamieson being the supply town for all of the gold miners and prospectors upriver. 

What better way to celebrate this significant chapter in Jamieson's history. 


Come along and have a throw!



The idea for Cow Poo Lotto came from the late, and much loved, Henry Knox.  The idea is Henry's cows are fed appropriately.  Then, after enough time to allow full digestion, bets are placed on exactly where the cows will relieve themselves.

This event has always been very popular.  And while Henry is no longer here to check on proceedings, his cows are still doing their job!!

Originally, The Hay Bale Race had been between the CFA and The Courthouse Hotel.  In 2019 it was between the CFA and The Jamieson Caravan Park.  Each team consists of three members and one hay bale.  Two of the three team members are "pushers" and the third member is "the jockey".  The "pushers" push the bale down to where the jockey is waiting.  The jockey climbs on top while the bale is then pushed back to the start line.  Sounds easy!!!!  Come and watch for some great hilarity.  And cheating is rife!!  The CFA had held the trophy since inception, until 2019!


2019 winners were The Jamieson Caravan Park.  So come along in 2020 to see if CFA can regain their trophy!!


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